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A Moment with God
God Bless You
Keren Valentin
Minister of God's Word.

Gateway of Hope Publishing is coming! Sharing with you stories, testimonies and journeys from writers like you. We are looking for more writers who have been healed from a painful past and made it through to their healing, becoming victorious and free from the past. 

Also looking for survivors who want to share their journey as they walk through their healing prosses.  

We are also looking for more Pastors, therapist, and counselors to encourage and bring hope to others through your writings.

We are looking for poetry - testimonies - short biographies - inspirational - spiritual - fantasy - short stories and uplifting words that will help survivors and women through rough times, with words of comfort, hope, and understanding. 

All writers will receive 20 % of sales on each booklet sold. For more information contact us by email or mail.
Welcome - to A moment with God: 
A Moment with God is here to bring you blessings and to share with you the love and word of God. To help you get a little closer to God and to share with you his grace, mercy, and love, with understanding and compassion. To help survivors of childhood abuse of all types, also for women who were raped as well as assault victims. To help you understand and realize that God did not allow you to be hurt. That you can find hope, peace, understanding, encouragement, and love through the pain. You will learn that God knows your pain and that he also cries with you. As a survivor myself I hope that I can help you walk through this journey and make it easier for you, because I've been where you are and I have come out victorious on the other side and so will you. A Moment with God is also her for woman who are hurting, no matter your situation. We all hurt through this walk-through life, and we all hurt for various reasons. And I hope that I and others can help you feel better in some way. This site is for all who want to learn and grow, and help others.

This is the short version of the newsletter that is sent out by mail. If you wish to receive the full free version of the newsletter feel free - to contact us with your name and address and we'll be happy to send it to you. 

The full newsletter includes more information, writings, articles, and poetry from others. I'll reveal the deepest darkest parts of my journey and the breakthroughs - before my healing, during my healing and after. I will be sharing my heart with you as well as the word of God. Showing you his words of love, mercy, and grace. Giving you a deeper look into God's love for you and how he adores you. And how his plans are to give you a good life and hope for your future. I and others will guide you through your healing journey, helping you through the challenges that come about as a survivor. Helping you to find the light at the end of the tunnel, and helping you to become stronger by helping you gain understanding, encouragement and hope as we search the word of God together.

I will be writing every other month and I hope it will touch your heart and help you along the path of healing. Life gets hard at sometimes and we lose our courage, becoming depressed, frighten and dishearten - even losing hope for the future and faith - right when we are about to have a breakthrough. But your life can be filled with hope and courage - with faith and grace, as you stand your gowned and lift up your head and stand in faith until you gain strength to overcome your pain, your memories and the shadows that linger within your past. You can be free - you will grow and heal and you are not alone! 

I hope you enjoy your walk through this page and find some hope and simple answers to your hidden questions.

Check out an important notes at the bottom of this site.

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Feel free to send in your comments or questions
Booklet for the next two months
You are Special
$4.95 each

Inspirational and moving, not because I wrote it but because others have told me. They found it encouraging and filled with hope. Read it for yourselves and you be the judge. 50% of sales from my poetry booklet will go into Gateway of Hope 
House of Restoration. The other 50% will go towards the newsletter to reach out to others who need hope.
Your support will greatly be appreciated. 

Gateway of Hope House 
P.O. Box 175 Buchanan, N.Y. 10511
Orders will take 1-3 weeks

Thank you!
As a survivor of any type of childhood abuse, assault or rape, what is your most difficult challenge when it comes to God?

Are you afraid, angry, confused discouraged - or do you still feel safe with God and find comfort?

Please share your thoughts on this subject and we will do our best to give you the best answer possible.

We will post the question with the answers in the next  newsletter. We will not use your name unless you give us permission to do so.

Enter your answers, questions or comments in the box below. 

Your input is of value to us as well as others. It will help us help you and it will help others who are still struggling and searching through their own journey.

Thank you for participating.

Keren Valentin
A Word of Hope 

There were many times in my life that I had no choice but to trust God. When I say no choice, I mean I could not do otherwise. I had to believe with every part of my being to live. I went through so many challenges and chances that I thought I would not make it through. Yet through the darkness I found hope and I made it and overcame the obstacles I faced at that moment. I decided to place my faith in God, even though at the time I was not certain that I would come out on the other side. So, I placed my trust in him, trusting him to the point of no return. Because insanity was never too far away, and suicide was always knocking at the door of my life. God is an amazing God, filled with love and compassion. Without his love and mercy, I would literally not be here today. I knew that if I did not put my trust in God, there would be certain death. But God is wonderful. He knows how far we can go before the walls fall around us. He knows exactly when and where to come into our lives and make an end of what we cannot bear any longer. I still find it amazing! 

Beloved, God is there for you- God is never late as we think, he is always on time. He reaches into our soul as we call out to him and he grabs us by the hand and sets us above our circumstances. He pulls us out of a situation that has overwhelmed us in the season we find ourselves in. All we must do is trust him, even when our mind and emotions are fighting against us. He gives us the victories and shows us the path to take. All he asks of us is to trust him - to believe in him. To believe that he will care for us even when we have doubts and fears. Your heart is where faith, trust and believe begin and come into play, not in our mind and thought patterns. The mind is filled with doubts, negative thinking, and unrealistic fears, that we believe to be true at that moment. When we take a step to hold onto faith and trust with our hearts and not by mind, we begin to trust God more and more as time goes on. As we give him our parts of our heart, parts of our life, believing that he will come through for us, he will! Trust is a matter of faith and believing. When our mind tells us no... it's impossible... hold on to your faith - believe with everything that is within you, and it will come to pass as God moves through you by your faith and you will find yourself in victory through him.

Last updated: September 23, 2020

Do you believe or think that God allows children to be abused?No
Not sure
Unequivocally No
Do you believe that everyone dies because its their time? No
Not sure
Unequivocally No
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Copyright A Moment with God by Keren Valentin 2020
By His Word 

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be anxious look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

Worry and anxiety are interchangeable - Anxiety is worry, nervousness and the feeling of imminent events or an uncertain outcome. Worry - is giving way to anxiety - unease. Allowing your mind to dwell on difficulty and troubles. 

God's word in the above verse tells us to not be anxious, to trust him in all things. God lets us know that he is our helper when we are feeling anxious and worried. He said that he is our strength, that no matter what we are going through he will be there to help us, as we put our faith and trust in him. His right hand will uphold us with strength to go through the difficulties, memories and pain. He will not leave us alone in our sorrows and in our suffering. When we feel depleted, tired, emotionally and mentally overwhelmed he is right there with you - and all you have to do is reach out in faith and he will uphold you. 

I know what it was like to be anxious and overwhelmed to the point where my body started to feel the affects of it all. To the point where I lost blood flow to my arms as they turned pale white. As children of God we must reach out to God and trust him. Trust him when it all seems unbearable and uncertain. Believing that he will come through for you in the hour that you need him most. One way of letting go of anxiety and worry is by doing your best to trust God, to take baby steps - a little at a time. God knows the leave of your faith and where you stand, It's not a surprise to him. He will be there for you when you need him, keep the faith. He will silently guide you through the storms, he will show you, instruct you, and lead you as you learn to ask him to helps you in those times when you feel that you can not make it though. As you learn to grow in your faith and trust in him you will begin to see him moving in your life. All you have to do is ask him and he will answer you even when you think he is not answering you. 

I had to learn to trust God, to keep my faith when it all seemed hopeless and enormous at the time. There was no other choice for me but to trust God, to keep the faith against all odds. Allow yourselves to let go and let God. To learn to receive from God - to open your arms to him, and give yourselves permission to receive his care, love and mercy, and God will walk with you and help you through those moments that never seem to end. God is your strength and he will uphold you, help you and give you hope for a better, stronger tomorrow. Keep the faith and trust him for today then again for tomorrow. Small steps!